About Us

Well Bread! is a small supplier of Artisan Breads and baked goods, local to Brixham in glorious South Devon.
We specialise in Organic Sourdoughs, made with Spelt and Rye, as well as Sweet and Savoury Rolls, Ciabatta and Focaccia.
We also make savoury snacks in a variety of flavours.
Yvonne and Richard hope you enjoy our products, available at selected locations in Torbay.
If you do, tell your friends so that we can grow. If you don't, please tell us, so that we can improve. Call on 07791 058070 or email at wellbread.brixham@gmail.com

Monday 23 June 2014

Blooming Customers.

I have a fairly regular weekly order now for Oats, 2 small and 1 large Rye Sourdough, 2 Olive Ciabatta, 2 Spelt Tin loaves, 10 White Rolls every other week and Teacakes weekly, all Organic.

So to deliver on Wednesday morning, I start my sourdough on Monday evening, to give the flavours time to develop.

Last week, the large sourdough didn't sell, so I was asked to drop it and just do the two small ones this time.

That was no problem, but just as I was finishing the washing up (and there is a lot) and preparing to have my dinner, I was messaged and asked to do the large one after all, someone had just ordered it.

Now that's good news, because it's another sale, and an order as well, and fortunately I had time to do it. I took some extra starter form the fridge, (good job I fed them this morning) and I'll give it an extra hour to wake up and work out what's happening, but it should be OK, I'll know in the morning.

A not very glam picture of a half asleep starter, with a few bubbles.
Its a good thing I'm flexible, and very nice to know that people like the Sourdough enough to order it.

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