About Us

Well Bread! is a small supplier of Artisan Breads and baked goods, local to Brixham in glorious South Devon.
We specialise in Organic Sourdoughs, made with Spelt and Rye, as well as Sweet and Savoury Rolls, Ciabatta and Focaccia.
We also make savoury snacks in a variety of flavours.
Yvonne and Richard hope you enjoy our products, available at selected locations in Torbay.
If you do, tell your friends so that we can grow. If you don't, please tell us, so that we can improve. Call on 07791 058070 or email at wellbread.brixham@gmail.com

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Sourdough Digestives.

In response to the interest on Facebook, here is my recipe for the Digestive biscuits.

80g Fine Oatmeal
100g Wholemeal flour
50g Dark Brown sugar
Pinch of salt
110g unsalted Butter at room temperature
100g recently refreshed starter at 100% hydration

Put the oatmeal in a food processor and add the flour, sugar and salt, pulse a few times to combine.

Add the butter in the processor and mix until it looks damp and comes together in a rough dough. If you don’t have a processor combine the other dry ingredients in a bowl before rubbing in the butter with your fingertips.

Remove mix from food processor to a bowl and stir in the starter until well combined. 

Cover and refrigerate until firm, about an hour.

Roll the dough out evenly on a lightly floured surface until it is approx. 3-4mm thick. Cut circles of dough with a cutter and place on parchment/silicone paper lined trays. They don’t spread much but leave a little room between them. I make around 22 from this recipe. 

Prick all over with a fork and put them back in the fridge for 15 – 20 minutes.

Bake them at 180ºC for 15-20 minutes turning the tray once during baking, check them at the 10 minute mark, you are looking for them to seem dry and firm and browned slightly at the edges and underneath.

They are slightly soft when they first come out of the oven and firm up when cooled. 

Transfer to racks to cool down and then keep in an airtight jar or container. 


  1. I lost my post, but since I wanted to know what are these biscuits or cookies as I have never
    Seen them before, We love our sour dough bread..so they aid in digestion?

  2. They're a cookie really, but substantial, yet light and crunchy...like a shortbread ..I made mine with sprouted red fife flour and added a little cardamon....feel great having a treat ..

  3. I don't understand why one needs recently refreshed starter. It doesn't seem to be for its rising properties. Couldn't I use "discard" starter?

  4. I was thinking that too. For crackers I’ve used discard starter and plan to try the same for these. I'll let you know if I was successful.
