About Us

Well Bread! is a small supplier of Artisan Breads and baked goods, local to Brixham in glorious South Devon.
We specialise in Organic Sourdoughs, made with Spelt and Rye, as well as Sweet and Savoury Rolls, Ciabatta and Focaccia.
We also make savoury snacks in a variety of flavours.
Yvonne and Richard hope you enjoy our products, available at selected locations in Torbay.
If you do, tell your friends so that we can grow. If you don't, please tell us, so that we can improve. Call on 07791 058070 or email at wellbread.brixham@gmail.com

Monday, 8 April 2013

Samples and More.

Today is the day when the big sales drive starts. I delivered a load of Sourdough and Soda Bread to Oats this morning, and then decided to make some samples to take around the café’s in town.

Next job of course was deciding what to do, after consultations with the taste panel; I thought that I would do a mixed Herb Focaccia, Ciabatta, Chocolate Rolls, Cheese and Onion Rolls and American style biscuits. That should give an idea of my range, and I can wing the rest.

 So this afternoon, as it’s raining (again) I got my apron on and did somet baking.

I passed my Level 2 Food Hygiene course at the weekend, and sent off a self-assessment to the council, so now we have to wait and see if they want to inspect the kitchen.

So I needed to make 3 types of bread today and a sponge for the Ciabatta. The biscuits will be done in the morning, as will the finishing of the Ciabatta. I have the yogurt for the biscuits left over from the Soda Bread.

Then I can fill my box and trudge round, hopefully getting some orders.

So here are the pictures of the first batches, I will continue the story tomorrow, wish me luck!
Chocolate Dough!

Ready to Bake


Close up.
Focaccia ready


Close up
My Favourite

Nice Crumb!

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