About Us

Well Bread! is a small supplier of Artisan Breads and baked goods, local to Brixham in glorious South Devon.
We specialise in Organic Sourdoughs, made with Spelt and Rye, as well as Sweet and Savoury Rolls, Ciabatta and Focaccia.
We also make savoury snacks in a variety of flavours.
Yvonne and Richard hope you enjoy our products, available at selected locations in Torbay.
If you do, tell your friends so that we can grow. If you don't, please tell us, so that we can improve. Call on 07791 058070 or email at wellbread.brixham@gmail.com

Monday 6 April 2015

My new Starter.

My new starter is gradually gaining in power, I hope to be able to use it by the end of the week, meanwhile the loaf I baked yesterday has been re-purposed.

Here it was, in all its non-risen glory, the crust was really nice but the yeast wasn't yet strong enough to get a good rise inside.

So I sliced it thinly,

 and baked it at 140 degrees for 45 minutes, till it was all dried out.

Now I've got it stored in an airtight container, I can either use it as bruschetta or reduce it to crumbs. It should keep for several weeks like that, if I don't use it first.

Meanwhile the starter keeps growing,

 it rose by 33% overnight so is on the way. I will keep feeding it till we get 100% growth, then it will be ready for action.

1 comment:

  1. I think you made the right choice when you sliced the bread into thinner slices in order for it to rise properly. If I lived by you, I would for sure stop by and try a bit of that. It looks mighty tasty. One of the things that I like about bread suppliers is that they usually offer a wide variety of breads to choose from. http://www.klostermanbakery.com/about/history.php
