My new starter is gradually gaining in power, I hope to be able to use it by the end of the week, meanwhile the loaf I baked yesterday has been re-purposed.
Here it was, in all its non-risen glory, the crust was really nice but the yeast wasn't yet strong enough to get a good rise inside.
So I sliced it thinly,
and baked it at 140 degrees for 45 minutes, till it was all dried out.
Now I've got it stored in an airtight container, I can either use it as bruschetta or reduce it to crumbs. It should keep for several weeks like that, if I don't use it first.
Meanwhile the starter keeps growing,
it rose by 33% overnight so is on the way. I will keep feeding it till we get 100% growth, then it will be ready for action.
I think you made the right choice when you sliced the bread into thinner slices in order for it to rise properly. If I lived by you, I would for sure stop by and try a bit of that. It looks mighty tasty. One of the things that I like about bread suppliers is that they usually offer a wide variety of breads to choose from.